合計 8 Posts
Advanced Lower Eyelid Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty & Fat Repositioning with CO2 Laser2024-07-09
CO2 Laser essentials and Major Indications in Dermatology and Aesthetics2024-06-03
Finexel CO2 laser in the treatmentof periocular rejuvenation2024-02-13
CO2 Laser : Skin Rejuvenation and Resurfacing2024-02-03
Laser in Aesthetic and Women’s Diseases with Finexel2023-11-05
Scar Management with Finexel (Fractional CO2 Laser)2023-09-23
Laser treatment for minimizing enlarged pores on the midface area2020-10-14
레이저를 활용해 중안면 모공을 치료하는 방법2020-10-14